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Only Superpipe in Canada to close early this spring
Words by Cripsin Lipsomb

Whistler Blackcomb has unusually and unexpectedly decided not to do a re-build of the 22’ superpipe this April and plans to leave the halfpipe to melt away following the WSSF this spring.  The reasoning behind Whistler Blackcomb’s decision is rumored to be due to the lack of a superpipe contest during the WSSF and a perceived lack of public interest in the Halfpipe on Blackcomb. 
The Superpipe at Blackcomb is a safe, fun and enriching resource for all users of the resort. Skiers and snowboarders of all ages truly love the Halfpipe feature and often look forward to the softer spring conditions to come and join the fun sessions in the sun.   

This season is the Pre-Olympic training year for both skiing and snowboarding. Time is counting down for our Canadian Olympic hopefuls who are all focused on their goals of new tricks and refining their best runs to qualify for Sochi 2014.  Loosing the opportunity to train at home in Canada this spring will negatively impact all of our National Team athletes and their Olympic plans and budgets. Without the Superpipe on Blackcomb athletes will be forced to travel south to Mammoth Cali. at a huge cost to attend the only other halfpipe sessions in North America this spring. This would only drain the resources of our Canadian Teams and would in turn help line the pockets of our closest competitors in the USA.

Crispin coaching at the Blackcomb Superpipe

In an effort to save the Halfpipe this spring and to keep our athletes training at home, we have made the first steps of lobbying Whistler Blackcomb to maintain this training resource by creating an online petition. We hope to demonstrate to Whistler Blackcomb the public interest and support for the halfpipe facility this spring.

If not for yourself, please take the time to sign the petition for the sake of our Olympic Hopeful athletes to train at home, or for the local riders and skiers climbing up the ranks who love to shred the pipe, and for all the kids of halpfpipe future who need the facilities to exist in order to be exposed to this amazing sport.

Please sign up at:

Thank you sincerely,  Crispin Lipscomb

2006 Olympian, World Cup Coach, halfpipe addict.

(Learn more about Cripsin in his recent 33MAG profile HERE)


Whistler-Blackcomb responds:

Whistler Blackcomb will maintain Blackcomb Mountain’s 22-foot Olympic size Global halfpipe until April 21, 2013. The pipe was built out and opened for this winter season on January 1, 2013. The usage of the pipe is very low compared to ridership in the rest of Whistler Blackcomb’s terrain parks.

We are aware our terrain parks are a training ground for the six medaling events at the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi; Ski Cross, Snowboard Cross, Ski Halfpipe, Snowboard Halfpipe, Ski Slopestyle and Snowboard Slopestyle. The operational teams responsible for our terrain parks are committed to providing the best possible experience for athletes, as well as all skiers and riders.

Terrain park features in the Nintendo Terrain Parks and Highest Level line will be available, as weather permits, through to the end of our spring operations on Blackcomb Mountain on May 27, 2013.

Our decision to close on April 21 is based on the fact we see very little ridership in our halfpipe when compared to overall traffic in our park. Taking into consideration that spring snow is always very challenging to work with, we decided to place our resources in the maintenance of the many other features the park provides.

Canada Snowboard contacted Whistler Blackcomb about formal training opportunities on March 17. We responded that same day with a willingness to support operationally as long as Canada Snowboard could cover the additional costs of keeping the halfpipe open beyond our planned closing date of April 21.

Requiring budgetary support for training opportunities is consistent with every other team we work with including the Canadian Slopestyle, Canadian Freestyle, Russian Mogul, BC Alpine team and more. After Canada Snowboard received the budget requirements to keep the halfpipe open for private training beyond April 21 (no public would be allowed in to ride) we did not hear back regarding whether they wanted to proceed with the training or not.

The petition circulated ( purports to be “sponsored” by Half Pipe Canada, an organization that has no formal existence or status as far as we are aware.

Whistler Blackcomb is committed to providing a terrain park where every feature is as safe, well-maintained and well-riding as spring snow will allow. We welcome all who want to show their support for the halfpipe to come out and ride the 22-foot Global halfpipe until April 21. 


So, what do you think? I'm gonna practice staying neutral on this one in the name of journalism but…… it sure would be cool if WB stepped up and threw down the cash to support the Canadian team… Not that it's their duty or anything but it's beyond lame the lack of funding these guys get from our country, imagine the free press for WB if they supported the team/country/sport by paying for the pipe to remain open?! DO IT!!

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