When I hit play on the teaser for Dust last week, my heart immedietly skipped a beat, or three. Pumped full of nudity, partying, general shenanigans and some sweet snow-sliding, the teaser feels like it could just as easily have come from the hands of the infamous Whiskey crew. And I say that as the highest compliment possible. In an age where everyone has access to high-end cinematography equipement, super polished edits have become the norm but these guys are clearly taking things in an opposite – and just as, if not more, legit – direction. And I fucking love it.
After tracking them down on the good ol' internets I was able get them to agree to answer a few questions for me. The answers they sent back are below, including the most incredibly awesome intro/story I've been lucky enough to receive. Don't forget to scroll all the way down for the Dust teaser as well!
Jer Melanson – Poking a sweet indy
OK Brian yesterday i Got 9 Idiots together David Kinskofers, Trevor Karle , Scotty Newman , Max Corbeil , Angus Dunkley ,Scott Sahlstrom, Myself (Wes Wittenbols), Travis Banks, Brad Carter. We drank about 48 beers and smashed a 40 of jack before answering this. Almost had a few fights in here haha but anyways this is what i got from the hectecness
Our life is like a 2 chains video. we're different.
Daniel Stubble – BS 180
DUST is amongst us EVERYWHERE
DUST is east hasting on a sunny day when the crack heads come out to play.
DUST is about jerking off before driving to the hill.
DUST is about Boarding and having fun.
Party time!
What's the craziest moment of the season so far?
Everyday With the DUST CREW. I think we all blacked out at 9 pm last night….it was still light out
Scott Sahlstrom – Method!
To me there seems to be a lack of big-budget Canadian shred flicks being made, but then at the same time a whole new batch of crews, like yourselves, who seem to be taking a fuck-it-we'll-just-do-it-ourselves approach. Any comments on that? Is it just a natural cycle or a bigger shift?
There is no budget fuck it. We're just trying to prove snowboarding is fun.
DUST GAMES. duh .maybe a sketchy edit ……ohh uhhhh maybe the movie.
Left – Wes Wittenbols /// Right – LouisThibault
Setting up a spot