Winter is quickly coming to a close and for many that means heading back to their summer jobs. We checked in with Craig Beaulieau and got the skinny on what he'll be up to this summer.
I saw a post on Facebook from Craig about heading back to work and had to hit him up. Here's what he had to say:
33MAG: Headed back to work already?! What's up with that? Winter's not even over yet!
Craig: know, I know… But as some "pro snowboarders" know, the money isn't the best nowadays and I spend money just as fast as I earn it. I really wanna get a lift for my truck. I recently bought 36 inch super swampers tires and wanna get my truck jacked high up in the sky asap. I had a really good season with no complaints other than struggling with money from some sponsors. I am stoked to put out my part on my athlete page (craigbeaulieu.fbfollow.me) and also on twitter (@craigbowlu)
Hard at work
We last checked in with you when you were out East hitting rails. How was the rest of your season?
The east coast saved the rail part of my season for sure. This year I purchased a winch and that gave me an early season start with jibbing around Pemberton and Whistler. I met up with Shawn Naylor (the farmfitness) and Jeremiah Doubt (filmer) in Ottawa and they helped me find cool jib spots around the area which had a good amount of snow and a low kick out risk for us to get our shots. When I returned to Pemberton, I hit the backcountry hard for a solid couple weeks before the weather got hot and the backcountry got kind of beat. I was very fortunate to have a dope crew to come back to which consisted of Andrew Burns, Jess Kimura , Dyke Boy (filmer) and Erin Hogue (photog)
Makin' friends while jibbing out east
I have been doing this for about 5 years now.. It's been a very hard struggle but I am glad I did it and worked hard all these summers, saved up money to travel, film and fill my sled with fuel.
Hm……. That's a tough question. I am very stoked on my crew this year. I work for Supernatural landscapes and it's my 3rd year with them. I don't think their are any flaws with landscaping, other than a little rain sometimes. I love the heat, I love the labour intensive side of it, and I love the crew.. BAM!!
A man and his truck
In the summer time, it's camping time! I really love being outdoors with friends and the girlfriend! I usually rally my truck, shoot guns, camp and skate. It's a tough life here in Pemberton BC 🙂
6 Things Craig likes to do in the summer: