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Ripcurl Pro returns to Tofino this summer!

This badass event is returning to Cox Bay in Tofino BC with both pro and open categories. 

Starting out as the Rip Curl Stew, it began as a grass roots surf competition in 2007. The event got its name from the mix of swell that the break at Cox Bay tends to provide. The name was made literal when hot homemade stew was served to spectators and contestants on the beach in the mild temperatures of late spring in Tofino. The event has now grown to attract Canada's top professional surfers, veterans, longboarders, juniors, and crowds of spectators to Cox Bay in Tofino, BC. The event is a celebration of Canada's surf culture with a great vibe on and off the beach.

Check out the teaser for last year's event for a feel of the event:


You can be goddamn sure that 33MAG is gonna be on the ground bringing you all the action from this amazing event. The last time I was there for a surf comp 4 years ago it was one of the coolest things I've witnessed. Oh and you know who else likes surfing? Babes! In bikinis! (although with the way the weather is in Tofino most of the time it's more like babes under five layers of hoodies and jackets!)

For some sick ass Tofino surf photography, check out this insane gallery local photography Marcus "Intern" Paladino dropped on us a few weeks back

Oh and keep an eye on for more info – although all there is there right now is a countdown clock!
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