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JP Walker rap video X Jibberish Volume 2 Finland

JP Walker and Simon Chamberlain just dropped their newest Jibberish episode and along with some really badass rail riding, it's basically a rap video starring JP himself. Check it out!

Lots of people love to talk shit about JP and I can see why. Anytime you come across someone so flagrantly flamboyant and attention-seeking it's easy to pigeon-hole them as a media-whore or self-centered asshole. But no matter how hard I try I just can't hate on JP. And you know why? Because he's fucking JP Walker – that's why. A legend in the streets, a pioneer in the backcountry, JP has done more for snowboarding in the last 15 years that almost anyone else. And after all is said and done, after all the dust has settled, you know what? JP fucking loves snowboarding maybe more than anyone else I've seen. Bullshit you say? Well, I'm just not sure how else to feel about someone who at close to 40 years of age, still has enough stoked to wake up at 4am and race to a sled spot to make sure he has first pick of the features he wants to hit. I literally just saw this go down four days ago in the Whistler Backcountry. Mad respect.

So say what you will but show some respect. Love him or hate him, JP is a huge part of snowboarding and we all should be thankful we're blessed with insane personalities such as his. 

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