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« Kooks And Tacos »: Roadtrippin’ to Cali in search of the perfect taco!
Legend has it that the best tacos in the world are found in Mexico. With an insatiable love for this tasty snack, we took off from Quebec and headed to the promised land; Baja, California. Photos and videos inside!


"Two Kooks & A Van"

A who exactly are "we"?! Long story short, we are two kooks who affectionately respond to Pedro and Martin. Filthy young men far from being in the prime of life, we seem to have modest skills for longboard and windsurfing.


A precarious wake-up on the edge of The Grand Canyon



The first part of our journey took us to the bucolic city called San Diego. Having succeeded in passing landscapes so beautiful our eyes are tired from being so wide and hearing incredible stories from intersting truck-stop customer, we finally made it!



Kooks & Tacos is the spiritual quest of a lifetime.



Instagram @ kooks_and_tacos ou sur


Stay tuned to 33MAG for more updates from this epic road trip in the coming weeks!

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