When I’m not busy playing in snow and writing insightful articles, I work as a real estate agent. I really love my job. The best part is getting to wander through houses in Whistler. I love doing this so much that often, when I visit a friend’s house for the first time, I ask them to give me a tour (or I go on a self-guided tour en route to the bathroom).
After viewing ski chalet after ski chalet, you start to notice the interior décor clichés. People want their chalets to feel like quaint little cabins in the woods, gosh darn it, even if they are actually modern townhomes in a complex with full concierge, heated outdoor pool and a couple of hot tub options.
Next time you visit your city friend’s parents’ chalet, keep your eyes peeled for the following items:
I used to want vintage ski posters on my walls, too. I don’t know why we think these are cool. It’s kind of the grown up version of those posters every kid has in their university dorm—you know, the Audrey Hepburn one, the John Belushi Animal House “college” sweater one, or the Bob Marley mosaic one made up of little Bob Marley pictures.
The Exception: If you were actually AT that ski race being advertised on the vintage poster, or the guy in that poster is your dad, then it's kosher to put it on your wall.
WAY COOLER! PS– Yes, that is my actual grandma. Also, the wonderchild in the black and orange number is the real deal Vintage Magee.
Bears live in mountains, and that is a cool thing. I’m just not totally sure why this means we need to have SO MANY paintings of bears in chalets. Do you have paintings of pigeons in your city condo? If so, that’s rad, but you probably don’t. Bear art is okay in small doses, but when every hotel lobby, mid-range restaurant and condo within a 4 kilometre radius from the Village centre has a painting of a bear, it gets to be a bit much.
(PS I acknowledge that this is not a bear painting, but I can't bring myself to hurt any artist's feelings and post a photo of their bear painting).
Yes, snow sports and ski resort towns go hand in hand. But why do we have to be so obscenely blunt about it!? Also… I know that you never ACTUALLY used those snow shoes.
The Exception: If you rescued those skis from your grandpa’s garage, that’s cool and sentimental. Keep them.
Instead, Use This: You want a constant reminder in your house that it’s a mountain cabin? Go look in your foyer. There she is!
Afterthought: I acknowledge that the majority of my readership consists of renters whose décor is probably limited to that free mountain atlas that they hand out at Turkey Sale, or, yes, that Bob Marley mosaic poster. Go with that. As long as you have a comfortable couch and a working TV, I love your house and hope you will invite me over.