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Oil Country Episode 3 – Exclusive Action & BTS Photo Dump!

The "Oil Country" boys are back with another episode of their web-series and as you can see by the image above, they're not fucking around. Hammers a-plenty in this edit as the boys put metal to metal and get shit done. They sent over a bunch of action and behind-the-scenes photos just for you lucky 33MAG readers as well. 


The Edit:

Featuring Dwayne Wiebe, Kael Hill, Jordan Phillips, Tanner Davidson, Ryan Hall, Steve-o Callen, Jon Chew, Alex Morris



The Behind-the-Scenes Shots: 


Dude on a roof




The Essential Gear


Tranny (the good kind)


Don't fuck around


And the Action Shots

Courtesy of Travis Tuckerman


Alex Morris – Gap Frontboard in Revelstoke



John Chew – Gap BS TailPress


John Chew – FS Tailpress


Steve-O Callen – Ollie the stairs


Steve-O – Firecracker


To see more of Travis' photography, hit up his blog at

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