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How to Escape the Bubble, Temporarily

I’m sure Whistler is not the only ski resort town that is fondly referred to as “The Bubble”. Mountain-dwellers everywhere walk around like they’re in Never Never land. They forget that groceries aren’t always this expensive, that people wear suits that aren’t made of Gore Tex, and that condominium buildings taller than four storeys exist.

Most of the time, residents of ski resort towns are perfectly content with life in the Bubble. But every so often, one must escape to the Bubble and venture into the Real World. I present you with the life cycle of Bubble escapes.


Step One: The Catalyst

Something will happen that will trigger a desire or need for you to leave the Bubble and head towards the nearest metropolis. Typically, the Catalyst will fit into one of the following categories:

Category A: Important purchase. Sometimes you need to buy something that you can’t find at one of sixty million ski shops. You know where they have lots of stores? CITIES!

Category B: Appointment. Nexus interviews, orthodontists, you name it, they got it.

Category C: Events and People. Your city friend is having a birthday. Your city friend is graduating. You haven’t seen your city friend in more than a year (their fault for not partaking in snow sports).

Category D: Desperation. If you haven’t left the Bubble in three months, it’s time.


Step Two: The Logistics

There’s a road trip in your future, and you know what that means? It means assembling a worthy crew of road trip companions who wish to venture to the city with you. It means putting together a new road tunes playlist. Maybe it even means dressing up a little—after all, Whistler dress up is just code for Vancouver casual.


Step Three: The Road

Your journey starts here. Gas ‘er up, pick up your companions, and hop on the highway. Don’t forget to refuel en route, and I’m not just talking about your car here. Leaving the Bubble means exposure to new and exciting food options that aren’t typically available to you. I’m looking at you, combo Tim Horton’s/Wendy’s.

Popular road trip games to play include “Spot the Bear”, “Where Does the Snow Start Going Melty” and “Pass That Car Up Ahead”.


Step Four: THE CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh man, you made it! Look around and marvel in the city-ness. Look at all the buildings! The people! My gosh, where’s all the facial hair? You might experience a bout of culture shock, but try not to be overwhelmed by the countless options in your immediate surroundings.

Take it in. Take in all the joyous, marvelous stuff, like cheap apples and novel boutiques and food trucks. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. The feeling will pass.


Step Five: The Comedown


It might happen within five minutes, or it could take a couple of hours, but the magic is going to wear off. You’re going to remember that cities mean traffic, expensive parking and crowded sidewalks. Your destinations might be spaced farther than four kilometres apart, and you might not be used to that. Getting from Point A to Point B will undoubtedly take you way longer than you anticipated, and you’ll begin to acknowledge the sad reality that there is no way you will actually be able to accomplish ALL of the lofty city goals you had set for yourself.


Step Six: The Rage

Who knew stress was contagious? Your mellow, shred bum mentality will start to waver as a car cuts you off or after you’ve waited 20 minutes on line at H&M. Why isn’t everyone smiling? Why aren’t strangers talking to each other on the bus? AND WHY IS THERE SO MUCH FLIPPING CONSTRUCTION EVERYWHERE?


Step Seven: The Escape

Once the produce has been purchased and the essential city tasks have been completed, gather the troops, get in the car and get the heck out of there. Oh wait—it’s rush hour. I hope you like bridges because you’re going to be sitting on one for an hour. Ha ha ha ha ha.


Step Eight: The Return

At the first sight of your sweet, sweet home mountains, you might shed a tear or two. It’s quiet and dark and naturey and just perfect. You’re back, and fresh air never felt so good.

At this point, you will remember all the magical reasons that brought you to your sweet mountain town and vow never to leave it again… at least for a little while.

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