The Brothers Factory crew are always pushing the limits of urban riding to the limits and this newest release seems to be no different. Not exactly packed full of groms, the Jamais Vu crew was able to recruit now infamous rail slayers such as LNP, Louif Paradis, Ben Bilocq, Nic Sauve, Phil Jacques, Max Baillargeon and Frank April.
"Our friends from Quebec call their movie Deja Vu, which basically means to see something again. They used that name because that crew got back together to film after six years of doing separate projects. So this year there will be a connection between the two big urban Quebec movies, Deja and Jamais Vu.” — Will Demers
Jamais Vu is featuring: Frank Bourgeois, Jason Dubois, Anto Chamberland, Zach Aller, Didier Godbout, Jeremy Cloutier, Guillaume Marquis, and more!"
Can't fucking wait for this one…it's gonna be such a gooder!