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Top 5 Videos from the Coors Light St-Sauveur Challenge!!

Alright, I lied. There's actually more than just 5 videos here for you. I just couldn't narrow it down enough and anyways, who am I to judge! There was a great crop of videos this year, in fact the Mountain Challenge gang set a new record for participants. Good job!

There was no decision-making involved in the first film we present. Zach Aller and Jeremie Bouchard WON the whole damn thing after all! No big surprise here, since the inception of this event these two have always taken their concept, acting and action to the next level. But, I mean how can you lose with Marcel on your team?!


Next up we have Vincent Prévost and Xavier Mayrand from Brotherhood Films. Probably the most bangin' ski edit of the weekend, this is a good one! The badass Rick Ross track sure doesn't hurt either!

Taking home second place this year was Didier Godbout and Justin Loiselle. This edit is set up like a VH1 "Behind-the-music" kind of thing, following Didier throughout the years, across many sports, until he find snowboarding. Great use of special effects and technology in this one! And don't forget the double-backflip in the forest…crazy!

Last year's winner of the "Views Contest", next up is Laurent-Olivier Martin and JF Lefebvre (3TP). Always on top of his game, JF presents us with a great edit with a really good track. We really like the creepy side of this edit, especially the mask!

For a first time, this year there was a tie for third place. Seb Chartrand and Gab Poirier present their version of "Le Skate c'est nul" – while Ben Cormier and Vincent Gagnier present their "buddy" Vinnie Croquette:


We present to you Martin Boulais and Thomas Fontaine's edit in large part due to the wicked editing, but there's tons of great riding in here from Marty B for sure as well!

SPECIAL MENTION: Antoine Truchon and Marc-André Sauvageau. Wicked edit boys!


ALL the participants in the contest really gave it their all this year. We couldn't post ALL the videos but we really want to extend a big congrats to all the teams!

Encore une fois cette année, TOUTES les équipes participantes ont vraiment donné tout ce qu'elles avaient. Un gros bravo à tous les participants. On ne pouvait pas mettre TOUS les vidéos dans notre article, mais on tient à tous vous féliciter!


  1. Zach Aller & Jérémie Bouchard
  2. Didier Godbout & Justin Loiselle
  3. Sébastien Chartrand & Gab Poirier TIE WITH Vincent Gagnier & Ben Cormier



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