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Checking In with Craig Beaulieu – Mid winter rail trip to Ontario

Craig Beaulieau is a staple on the Canadian snowboard scene. A contest destroyer who can also lay down a well-rounded video part, Craiger knows how to get it done. 

I recently caught up with him as he was in Ontario filling out his rail shots and hit him up with a few questions to  see what we can expect from ol' Craigey this year. 

33MAG: What was your plan going into this season?

Craig: My plan going into this season was to stay as productive as possible, and take the next step with progression to get the ultimate well rounded part.
Has it been working out according to plan?
Yes actually! I have been super productive in Ontario and Quebec as well as in Whistler. I have several trips planned out including a catski trip with Celsius boots and a Heli trip also. No complaints on my end.
You've had a lot of success in the past as a contest rider but seem to be moving away from that scene. Do you still enjoy contest or do you just want to film all the time?
I don't enjoy contests as much as I used to. I don't hate them, but getting onto the Canadian slope style team last year ruined contests for me. I had that vibe of everything being way to serious and I don't do so hot under crazy pressure. I may do a couple local ones, but that's it. 
How was the early season for you? Get a lot done? Ride a lot of pow?
Yeah! early season was great, I started filming tons of urban stuff with my winch and riding Whistler mountain but not especially filming my "pow shots". As soon as I get back from Ontario, it's time to buckle down and get all my back country shots done.
You're over on the east coast filming rails right now. How's that going?
I couldn't be happier with my trip back east. I met up with some local Ottawa boys that really helped me with my scouting and transportation while in that freezing cold province.
Any funny or special stories from the trip?
Everyday I woke up was funny. I'd say, one of the funniest things was hanging out at this black down bar that was called "Skinny black." We would pretend the rail could talk, and give it a funny voice. It spoke like the hound dog off that old cartoon. It was super late, we were all hopped up off coffee and red bulls. Shit was weird.
Beastly rail by Adam McKay Photo!
You're pretty on top of the whole social-media thing. How important do you think that is these days for a rider? What are your motivations for being so active and out there?
I think being on top of the multimedia game is very important if you know how to use it and use it properly to expose yourself as an athlete as well as helping out with advertisement to your sponsors. On that note..
Facebook page – [email protected]

Twitter – @Craigbowlu

Instagram – @Craigbowlu


Hard-way 180 tailpress screen-grab


Setting up another dope spot







Craiger's "Last night in Timmins" 'do

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