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SPOTLIGHT on Julien Renaud – A Wakeboarder Who’s Quickly Taking His Place in the Scene!

I first met Julien Renaud a few years ago on the dock before a wake session. At first I thought he was someone's little brother or one of my friend's younger cousins but I soon realized he was actually a buddy and young protege of our team rider Andrew Farrell. And he impressed me right away! My boys told me to keep an eye out for this rider and he sure hasn't dissapointed. 

Here's four questions I asked him so that you could get to know him a bit better:

How did you get into wakeboarding?

Pretty simple actually. Back in the day my parents had a little spot at a campground in St-Gabrielle de Brandon, Quebec. There were lots of people wakeboarding out on Lac Maskinonge and I decided to give it a go. The first time I went was with my dad and Dan Urbain on a really small boat. After that we just kept the tradition going and always went wakeboarding on the weekends.

What is it about wakeboarding you enjoy the most?

It's hard to say. I'm just as content waking up in the morning knowing that I'm headed out for a set behind a boat as I am with an afternoon session at the cable-park! The best moments always end up being those you share with your friends, with everyone pushing each others limits… or when we try really different tricks (air tricks)

Who are your biggies allies in the scene?

During the season, when you're at a contest and you get to hang out with everyone – that's always a great atmosphere. Outside of that I like to ride with my good friends like Andrew Farrell, Ben Leclair, Les Besners, Oli Ouellet, Alexis, Max Beaudoin, Alex Savoie, Raph et Oli Derome. Last year we got the chance to head to North Carolina, 16 hours of driving!

How do you envision the upcoming season?

Last year I finished off the season well and I have been training in the off-season quite a bit. With the support of PrimeTime Clothing, I have been able to train at Dynamis Training with Aex Bakakis, my trainer. I really feel the training is going to bring a lot of positive aspecits into my riding.

I'm motivated to try new tricks, participate in different events al season long and take full advantage of the time we have to practice our rad sport. I'd like to thank most of all my parents for the support that they've given me, Charlene, my friends from St-Zotique and les Deromes lakes, Tom at PrimeTime, Simon and Alex Savoie at Liquid Force, Alex at Dynamis Training, Andrew Farrell at C2C Marine and Vincent at Spy Optics!

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