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Whistler Park Edit- February


The 2012/13 season in Whistler has been a strange one. After experiencing 20-30 cm days on the regular during early season, we dealt with a long dry spell full of sunny days lasting all of January and into early February. While most Whistlerites are complaining about hard packed runs, icy trees and the tracked out bowls, Sam, Rob, Connor and Travis are taking advantage of the phenomenal park conditions. Hailing from Terrace, Ontario and Australia, none of them have grown accustomed to sick parks right outside their doorstep. Not working the typical 9-5 grind allows them to shred all the time and they are taking full advantage of the sunny, longer days. This edit is a compilation of footage from the past couple weeks. With little snow in this weeks forecast, the boys are gonna keep shredding and we will be putting out more edits in the near future!

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