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Revelation, a Visual Poem about « toeing the line »

Most of us are going against the grain living in the mountains. If you’re not then be grateful you are living a charmed life.

Most of us are pressured to by our parents, who are pressured by society, to go to the big schools, move to the city, marry, and buy a house you can’t afford. Then get a job to pay for the house you may not have even wanted in the first place. Some want this, others go with it because, heaven forbid it, should you ever stand out.

Standing out is the worst! Sure you might find happiness but you will not be accepted. These days however; it seems to be getting easier.

That’s one reason why living in a mountain town, on a beach, in a skatepark or whatever is so special. You’re a freak fitting in because everyone else is a freak too. I tried explaining this to a couple friends in the small hours of the morning and they didn’t get it.

Perhaps this beautiful visual poem would’ve done a better job. Written by Charlotte Davis, music by Zikali, filmed by Sebastien Montaz-Rossat. Hopefully it will clear away jadedness and inspire.


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