I've known Burns for a long time. Hell, I lived with the guy for three years. If there are two things I can say about him, and just about anyone will attest to them, is that he fucking loves snowboarding and he refuses to take no for an answer. Consistently one of the hardest working guys day-in day-out in the Whistler Backcountry, Burns has struggled to gain the international attention that could have easily have followed. Instead he has been forced to continually prove his worth, and in the process has consistently put out some of the best video parts and photos to come out of these parts.
In the past few years, Burns has really hit his stride and after purchasing a tow-trailer two years ago – soon to be christened the Pirate Ship – he took his life on the road and now lives in the trailer full-time, splitting his time between the states and Whistler before heading to Alaska each spring. He follows the snow, as you'll see in this first episode, hitting rails and taking it slow early in the season before heading north to Canada, and the powder, when the timing is right.
Burns getting sendy into some pillows. Cam Hunter Photo (top one too)
Last year Burns decided he was going to self-produce a web-series based on his nomadic lifestyle, which he called ShipWrecked. Releasing 4 episodes, plus a "full-part", Burns got a ton of views and more importantly, stoked a ton of people out with his riding, lifestyle and party-boy antics. Coming in hot for a second season, with big plans to take things up a notch, back in the fall Burns approached me to work as his lead cinematographer this season and I just couldn't say no. The opportunity to work with a good friend who has such a deep love of the shred has really been an incredible gift and I'm both proud and excited about what I've been able to contribute to Burns' project.
Burns and Beau Bishop about to send it. Cam Hunter Photo
Since I'm also the Editor of this fair website, I figured I'd ask him a few questions to go along with his first episode (ready for you to watch below). Here's what he had to say:
33MAG: So you're back with another season of ShipWrecked! What do you have on tap for us this year?
Burns: Well it's gonna be a similar type of thing, but more focused on the riding, and some cameos from shredders im filming with. There are four parts, for each part of my season: Early Season, the Deep Winter, Alaska, and Spring riding, with some summer Argentina shredding as well. It's tight.
With all the web-series' being pumped out these days, yours seems to stand above most of the rest. Do you have a secret formula or are you just winging it?
A little more structure is the main thing, with a little bit of budget this year, I can work a little easier in theory… haha
I've personally known you for 7-8 years now and as we all know you are one of the most motivated people around, always down to go shoot on crappy days, amping for an early meeting time, etc.. How do you keep the motivation going after so long? You can't really just enjoy snowboarding that much, can you?
You've had a rough little patch this early season with a knee to the face, a blown sled engine and a few more curveballs tossed your way. How do you deal with setbacks?
Yeah it seems like there's always something… I just do what I can to deal with it, sometimes it's reasonable, sometimes i'm super effed, but whatever, it's all worth it!
Not a happy Burns
It's true. The life of a "professional" snowboarder is not always what you would expect. But that's just part of the journey and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll be able to be happy all the time. And that's exactly how Burns rolls. He knows it takes lows to reach those highs, and at the end of the day recognizes it not about living the dream, it's about living his dream.
Enjoy this first episode of ShipWrecked Season Two. It's a gooder and I'm lucky to have been a part of it.
You can find last year's ShipWrecked episodes HERE and below are a few extra photos from the month of filming:
Lots of early mornings
Headed up the trail to the zone
Burns scoping a step-down
A loooong lap that ends in a sweet pillow field
Burns scoping a new spot that would later claim his nose
Lots of sweet sunsets are a perk of the job
Check out more of Cam Hunter's wicked photography over at www.cameronhunterphoto.com or follow him online on Facebook HERE