I first met Jana last spring while working on a short-film project focussed on people who have followed their passion in life. Seconds after meeting her, you could instantly tell that she was a perfect example of this, from the simplest things in the way she carries herself to the incredible music and art she creates on a daily basis.
Squamish, BC – her home base – is situated halfway between Vancouver and Whistler and as such, has become a hot-spot for a very large concentration of some of the coolest people you will ever meet in one place on the planet. And of course, Jana is a perfect fit and has quickly become a fixture on the arts and music scene there and throughout the corridor. Any time her name comes up it is sure to be accompanied by a smile and a tale of some act of kindness and/or awesomeness, a true testament to Jana's personality. Personally, any time we have crossed paths, even down to the simplest email or message, I am always left with a sense of "wow, that is one sweet girl".
Walking into her studio, the first thing that stuck me was the awesome vintage-looking electronic keyboard against the wall. For most people, just having this thing in the house would be cause enough for celebration, but Jana? Not so much. She has used that very keyboard to create a whole new genre of music and writes and records all her own music on it. And what beautiful music it is. Electronic yet peaceful tracks are overlaid with Jana's beautiful voice and original lyrics – resulting in some extremely peaceful and relaxed music perfect for your morning coffee, a drive down to the city or just relaxing with a nice glass of wine.
Jana in the zone – P: Nick Sopczak (Top Image as well)
Jana: I had a few friends that lived here over the years. Home between travels in Summer '07, I decided to come visit, and never looked back! That's where the secret wardrobe came in; The people I met, community, lifestyle, and opportunities that would come up had me (for once), not planning a route out to the next zone! It's incredibly satisfying to have a home base that I love, and adventure at my fingertips. YVR and the coastline are 2 of my best friends.
You describe your music as "acoustic electronica" which seems a bit contradictory. Care to elaborate?
I'd been here a few months, and met Andrea Graham(The Librarian). We started jamming together, and somehow, with her powers, got a gig at Pemberton Festival in Summer '08. She was getting into DJing, and wanted to experiment with my acoustic vibes and her new found passion. We blended, (along with Ryan Daly), and created what she called "acoustic electronica". We've both since focused on our own projects; but man, did that open up a whole new realm to what my music could be. Or the "languages" it could translate to. [Enter learning the full potential of my Gramma's electric organ, and a few loopers.]
Basscoast 2008 – Squamish, BC
Playing music is the about only thing that makes me forget about anything physical; like status, image, ego, body, expectations; timeless, priceless, stainless, and life-breathing. Music is a spirit, and i have always felt it obvious when music is made by man for man, or by spirit for spirit. You can just feel it.
So my goals in music? To explore the possibilities and spread the good vibrations; I want to collaborate with other artists, continue to translate it into other "languages", play around the world (that's mellow), keep growing in writing and producing, remain passionate in it! That sounds about right.
Live shows(the best!), film, chill atmosphere, remixed, wherever whenever! Things are getting pretty heated up this year, though; I've been collaborating with the very talented Jeremy Royal(Whistler) in prep for some dynamite live shows this year, and there's currently 3 Dj's creating their own spin on my EP: The Libarian, Praiz, and Nils Rinnefelt of Sweden. Pretty excited to see what kind of enjoyment levels those will take to!
Original art on display.
You paint as well, is there any connection between the two art forms?
Seasons are seasons. I can handle the weather, but not the creative flow change. So a couple of winters ago, I decided to stay "in it" and just stay creative, in my music room, all winter. I'd alternate painting and writing music, and it worked like gold. Still does! The people I paint inspire me, and are timeless, as is the music I want in my life. Also, paintings never grow old or change, hold a life of their own, and are forever enjoyed. They balance me out, and remind me that less is more.
So there we have it. A well-rounded artist who seems to have found the ticket to a happy and fulfilled life. Sounds about right to me. I can't wait to see what Jana will get up to next and will be keeping an eye out for sure. Thanks for the time Jana!
You can grab Jana's latest album, The Oak/Ivory Collection EP, on iTunes HERE