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R.I.P Caleb Moore

R.I.P Caleb Moore

Une semaine après son grave accident aux X-games, l'athlète de 25 ans succombe à ses blessures. 

Caleb était le premier à s'élancer pour les runs de freestyle. Il a tenté un backflip et ne l'a pas ramené assez vite. Vous pouvez voir l'incident dans la vidéo juste ici.

C'est une bien triste nouvelle pour l'industrie et toute l'équipe de 33mag est avec la famille.

Voici le message que l'on pouvait trouver sur la page Facebook de Moore Brothers:

On behalf of the Moore family:

This morning Caleb Moore passed away. He will be truly missed and never forgotten.

The family wishes to express their deep gratitude for all the prayers and support they have received from all the fans, friends and family around the world that Caleb has inspired. 

They would also like to thank the physicians and medical staff at both Aspen Valley Hospital and St. Mary’s Hospital, Grand Junction for their care and dedication.

At this time, the family will not be making any other public statements. They continue to decline interviews. Thank you for continuing to respect the family’s privacy during this difficult time. 

Arrangements for a celebration of life are being made and an announcement will be made in the coming days.

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