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Don’t let fear stand between you and your goals

“Which is the most universal human characteristic, fear or laziness?”

                                                                          – Waking Life

The very reason we love snowboarding is because it’s scary. Sliding over cliffs, flying through the air, throwing yourself onto metal bars, are things your primal instincts consider dangerous. Doing those things and surviving gives us that sensation that makes life worth living. Overriding that primitive part of your brain that just wants you to stay in your cave, eat, mate and survive. Telling that scared voice in our head to shut up and enjoy the ride.

There are times however; when despite your best efforts to be brave, fear takes over.

When it's time to drop that pillow that is 10 feet bigger, try that trick that may have painful consequences, or ride that steeper run on the mountain, it consumes you.  It paralyzes you, it ties knots in your stomach and makes you want to run home and hide under your covers. Then the very thing we love about sliding sideways super-fast, blockades our progress causing us to plateau and inhibits our fun.

If you’ve felt this way you’re not alone. JP Fok, Whistler based fitness trainer and snowboard coach explains in his web series how to stop fear before it stops you. Above you'll find one episode where he discusses fear and how to conquer it in all aspects of life.



If you'd like to hear more words of wisdom from JP Fok you can visit his website at


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