Ok. Here's the deal. ESPN doesn't give a fuck about snowboarding. What they do give a fuck about is money. And how do you make money when you're hosting the biggest "extreme sports" competition in the world? Well, you create a bit of pre-game controversy and then just sit back and watch the ad dollars roll in. So in proper form, just a few days ago the world was treated to a pretty funny little pre-X video of Saskatchewan-native triple-corker Mark McMorris "talking shit" about the flying tomato. What did he say that was so bad? Oh man, you'll never even believe me, check it out for yourself:
Crazy right? Ummm… NO! What did Mark say that was so bad? That Shawn doesn't ride rails? That he comes off as not watching snowboarding? That he doesn't grab his board? Oh my the horror. Since when did speaking the truth become "talking shit"? Our sport has officially gone batshit crazy. If anything he's calling out the lame-o judges who last year awarded White with a perfect score of 100 for a pipe run including a boot-grab.
But yeah, they know what they're doing and sure enough the internets have exploded (yes, i realize i am no better but buzz off, I'm on my soapbox here).
The Globe and Mail has chimed in with a lengthy article (HERE) that includes the wicked McMorris quote: “Shaun is just an unbelievable snowboarder but he could definitely represent snowboarding better. Just be way more cool. He’s so lame. He’s on his own page, he doesn’t hang out with anybody but himself." (ok, that's a bit shit-talky but still 100% true)
And if you can believe it, Rolling Stone Magazine even has an article (HERE) titled "Is Mark McMorris the Next Shaun White?" that includes the quote "McLovin' [McMorris] vs. the Flying Tomato is set to become the sport's best rivalry.". Umm ok. Hilarious.
So where does that leave us? Well, cruising the world wide web I came across a spot-on commentary from Andrew Singleton, an OG shred who now runs Eventsing Productions – the producers of Canada's leading am-contest circuits (ie. he knows what he's talking about). In his blog post (HERE) titled "SNOWBOARDING NEEDS MARK MCMORRIS", Singleton says:
"Firstly, Mark acknowledges and applauds Terje (google him if you are unfamiliar – he’s a living legend) for his decision to boycott the inaugural Olympics at the time, but for Mark the Olympics provide a platform to thank everyone in Canada who have helped him get to where he is on the International snowboarding scene. And secondly, because Mark chooses to both mildly applaud Shaun White and tastefully poke him for his riding style and lack of connection to the snowboard culture. Personally speaking I like how Mark speaks without worry, without concern for judgement and it’s clear he’s confident, wise and driven to succeed but in an identifiable and humble way – no air of ego nor arrogance."
I thought that was extremely well put so I hit Andrew up with a simple follow-up question, "What motivated you to write that post" and he was kind enough to write a lengthy response, again proving he not only knows what he is talking about but loves our dear sport as much as anyone out there.
"We've been in the action sport industry for 10 years now and have been playing in it for more than 20 – playing is the key word in this response. This industry is a passion, love, hobby but also the core of our business and we have found throughout the years in order to continue to grow and be relevant to the kids and companies we've had to tone back our core-emotions and present them, at times, in a way that are more fitting to the general public. This decision presents somewhat of an internal struggle but one that is truly necessary for our business. After reading the Mark McMorris write up I felt compelled to capture his thoughts and actions but wanted to state how they sparked an emotion within – I immediately felt like saying "Good for you Mark, good for you for having the talent and abilities to be the best and good for you for being honest " Mark's interview was just Mark talking about his abilities and the contest field, he's playing and having fun which is very evident any time you watch him live, in a video or interact with his brother and friends. I applaud Mark for not toning back his true thoughts and emotions and feel he speaks of them tastefully and candidly – does he speak to an inner voice many already feel…maybe. But more importantly, does his actions and abilities make you want to applaud him and wish him the best on his path for success – I say YES!"
I'm not sure if it's all the vampires, episodes of Glee or those god-damn tight pants but it certainly seems like the new generation of snowboarders have forgotten (or not been taught?) that snowboarding used to be badass, it used to mean you were part of something special, something worth standing up for and defending. Why do I get funny looks every time I slash a skier or make fun of some kid with a sweatshirt down to their ankles? I don't actually give a fuck about any of that, mad respect to anyone out there having fun, it's just about the spirit and I refuse to ever give that up. It's what snowboarding was all about back in the early 90s when I first strapped in (actually, in '88, only to blow my knee and be scared off for another 4 years – but that's another story!). Maybe it's having never experienced the feeling of being stink-eyed by every old-fart skier on the hill, or fuck, not even being allowed on that hill in the first place. But I say we should never forget that spirit. It's what sets us apart from hockey and tennis and I will be damned if I just sit by and watch it disappear.
I mean seriously, WWTD – what would Terje do?
Also, looks like Mark has the goods to back up whatever you wanna call his pre-game talk. Yesterday he qualified first for Slope while the mighty White just squeaked in with a seventh. Final showdown on Sunday sunday sunday!
Quality products indeed!