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Funny People Snowboarding – Review of the Snowed In Comedy Tour

Every so often, a weird person tries to convince me that I’m missing out by living in a mountain resort town. These people claim that they couldn’t fathom a life without the concerts, shows and galleries that happen daily in their urban neighbourhoods.

Well, I certainly don’t feel deprived of entertainment in Whistler. Sure, sometimes the acts are a little random (Swollen Members show in a tiny club? Yeah! Wu Tang Clan dude sitting at the bar of my restaurant? Alright!) but overall, we get some pretty sweet shows.

One such act that recently hit Whistler with two back-to-back sold out shows was the Snowed In Comedy Tour. This tour is awesome: four fantastic comedians (Craig Campbell, Pete Johansson, Dan Quinn and Arj Barker—yup, Dave from Flight of the Conchords) who happen to love to shred decided five years ago to go from mountain town to mountain town for some snowboarding and jokes.

I have been to a few comedy shows in Whistler, and they have ranged to quite entertaining to extremely embarrassing—both because the comedians were a little rough and because the crowds were too funny. Life tip, people: if you think your heckling is funny, it’s not. I promise. The Snowed In show was easily the best comedy act I have seen in Whistler to date. There were no weak links—all the acts killed it, I was pretty much just losing it the whole time.

I won’t recap the sets for you here because that’s just lame, but suffice to say there were just enough Aussie jokes and lifty shout outs to make it perfectly appropriate for a ski resort town.

And if you’re wondering if the comedians really do snowboard or if it’s just a schtick—they do. I received confirmed sightings of Arj Barker on Blackcomb, so there you go.

There are still tons of shows to come around BC and Alberta, including Sun Peaks, Revelstoke, Golden , Fernie and Vancouver. Check out the schedule here, and be sure to get tickets in advance—they will probably sell out, and when that happens, it’s VERY difficult to get in (trust me on this one).

(Vodka sodas + iPhone + back row seats = Sorry, y'all)

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