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Stairsmasters 2013 Video Edition – VIDEOS LIVE NOW

Filming a video part in a season is tough work, just ask anyone who's tried. Filming one in a month is next to impossible, even if it only has to be one-minute, especially when it the beginning of a new season and you're still working off the summer beer gut. 

This year the Stairsmasters railjam competition transformed itself into a video-part competition, a la Real Snow, giving Canada's crop of pro, up-and-coming, and amateurs alike a chance at the glory and $15,000 in cash prizes at the final at the SnowJamboree after the Big Air in downtown Quebec City next weekend.

Here's the breakdown from the organizers:

HOW IT WORKS:20 finalists (15 pros & 5 Open). A jury will pick a TOP 3 along with a shortlist of 10 others. 13 videos will be shown around 8 p.m. on January 19, right after the Big Air World Championships in downtown Québec City. 15,000$ in prize money!

There's some quality videos over there, so head on over and check em out at

33MAG will be on-scene bringing you all the updates from the Big Air, Stairsmasters and all the parties next weekend too so keep your eyes out.

A couple choice picks from the crop:

Frank Bourgeouis


Jason Dubois


And Kael Hill, who took a slightly different approach




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