Sitting on the chairlift this morning, I had a very real and immediate problem: it was rain-snowing and my pants were soaking through. That's a sad feeling.
The first thought to pop into my troubled mind was something along the lines of "Wah, I need Gore Tex pants." But here's the problem- I CAN'T AFFORD GORE TEX PANTS!
Proper gear usually results in an increase in comfort, safety, and/or level of fun. However, proper gear is also usually very expensive. I am a firm believer that it is worth investing in quality items, but the reality is that sometimes– especially living in a place like Whistler– you're just too broke for new stuff.
Solution: Waterproof it, brah! While nothing can replace the glory of Gore Tex, waterproof wash-in stuff is a good temporary solution for avoiding that "my pants are wet and my life sucks" feeling. Head down to your local shop and pick up a little NikWax wash and proof. It's not CHEAP cheap, but it's cheaper than new pants and you can waterproof more than one item at a time. Besides, even Gore Tex needs a little wash every now and then.
Solution: Warranty it, brah! Sometimes, gear breaks on the mountain. I had my own steazin' ender earlier in the season when my binding decided to break itself in half somehow. My first thought was "$$$$$", but then I decided I would e-mail Burton to see if they could help me out. In fact, they were very awesome and offered to replace my busted binding free of charge. If you encounter a similar predicament, try contacting the company that makes your product. Mountain stuff is typically meant to last awhile, and if something goes awry, they might be able to help you out. Thanks, Burton!
Solution: Duct tape it, brah! Seriously, duct tape fixes everything. You might think that duct taped gear looks a little bit… what's a nice word for ghetto? In reality, duct tape is a sign of hardcoreness. Your sliver of silver tape will command the respect of your shredding peers. Further, duct tape is now available in an assortment of colours (including camo) so you can really make a statement.
Good as New!
4) I'm Bored With my Look!
Solution: RE-USE IT CENTRE, BRAH! Sometimes, you don't need new equipment, it just seems like everyone around you has fun new things and you start to feel left out. Check out your local thrift store! In Whistler, we have an amazing treasure cove known as Re-Use It Centre. In addition to old VHS tapes and mismatched cutlery, you can find some impressive deals on everything from outerwear to skis and snowboards. Some of my buddies have found some amazing deals on decent quality stuff that will easily tide them over a season. And, if all else fails: onesies.