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O’Neill x OHANA – The O’Neill Team Ripping in Hawaii

From O'Neill:

"O'NEILL x OHANA is a piece created to really highlight our athletes. The word Ohana means family in Hawaiian and everyone in this short film has spent countless years riding for the same brand we call O'Neill. Jordy Smith, Ian Crane, Timmy Reyes, Cory Lopez, and John John Florence (as seen in order) all feature their best waves from the time they spent on this rock called Hawaii. It's 8 minutes full of gold and you don't want to miss the end section with JJF. If you ain't having fun, then what the hell are you doing? Enjoy these next 8 minutes. Might blow your mind… "

Jesus! They weren't kidding. John John control of his board, and seemingly the waves as well, is incredible to watch. The way he can slow down and speed up his board on command really makes for some exciting surfing to watch. 

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