NuuLife Cineman presents their 2012 release featuring some of the hottest up-and-coming shreds in Canada as well as plenty of established pros and killers. Backcountry, urban, park, helling… this flick's got it all and directors by John Swystun and David Craig did a great job in an otherwise bleak industry segment. Has anyone else noticed that there is a serious lack of semi-pro and professional level film productions in Canada right now? I get that everyone wants to do a sweet web-series, and that is clearly the direction things are headed, but how is the up-and-comer supposed to get a chance to begin filming and get some exposure anymore? It's a bit scary I think, as new blood is an essential element of snowboarding.
Riding by Gordon Emery, Jason Gretzinger, Craig McMorris, Joe Hills, David Kinskofer, Kurtis Rothecker, Tanner Davidson, Bruce Johnston, Dale Bailey, Kevin Griffin, Brad Martin, Kale Stephens, Andrew Geeves, Andrew Burns, Dylan Vachon and friends.
Cinematography by John Swystun, David Craig, Dale Bailey and Ben Geisbrecht
Support from Push.ca, King Snow, Beaver Wax, Banshee Bungee, Nibz Bandanaz, Freeride Boardshop and Shoulda Danished Productions.
Here are a few sweet behind-the-scenes photos lead cinematographer Dave Craig sent along from last season:
Dave Craig behind the lens at the infamous Hurley Road Gap in the Whistler Backcountry
The Crew, travelling in style
Director and cinematographer John Swystun stoked to be about to get some epic aerial shots
The Love!