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DJ Boys Noize at New City Gas – A few words and a 33MAG exclusive interview with the DJ
Photo Credit: Sodakat

The famous German DJ Boys Noize passed through Montreal on December 6, during his current tour of North America. The event was organized by I Love Neon Samurai and the Urban Jungles and it was at New City Gas.

DJ Djedjotronic, from France, was invited along to share a few tour dates and it was his job to get the room pumping before the main show of Boys Noize. With a progressive and rhythmic set, the Frenchman definitely did a great job of warming up the crowd on a cold winter night.

After a short break, the crowd was treated to some impressive staging created especially by Boys Noize. Imagine a giant skull whose eyes light up, over which stood the DJ, and a stage surrounded by large panels flashing bright colors. It was insane!

Boyz Noize had the crowd going crazy from the very beginning with songs that featuring the powerful tempo characteristic of German productions. The subtle blend between tracks that have made him famous and plenty of songs off his latest album "Out Of The Black" were all well received . For nearly two hours New City Gas took over all the senses, especially sight and sound!

Boys Noize is a great bet for lovers of live and electronic music and fans were definitely not disappointed this night! If the opportunity to go attend one of his shows ever presents itself, do yourself a favour and go.

Right before the show I was able to get a quick 5-minute interview with the star of the night himself, check out what he had to say:


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