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Mark McMorris Cleans Up at the Dew Tour – Video Highlights

The Dew Tour was in Breckenridge this past weekend and good ol' Canadian boy Mark McMorris handed everyone their asses on a silver plate taking home the win in Big Air & Slopestyle. 

The level of competition these days is frankly a bit hard to comprehend, and I am not a big fan of robot-style contest riding. That's why it's especially refreshing to see these hugely technical tricks finally being thrown with a bit of style as well. I mean, I know there's a lot going on during a triple-cork but without style, are we really any different from a bunch of animals?

Check out the Slopestyle highlights above as well as Mark's winning Big Air triple here:


And his more than impressive winning slopestyle run here:


For the Dew Tur mini site filled with all kinds of awesome video and photo content click here.

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