"As a nine part web series Balance will share the stories of three individuals who live there lives in very different ways. The characters will not be professional athletes but rather working class heros; people who don’t earn a living from their sport but still understand the importance of extracurricular activity.
These are the people who work to make time for the things they love rather than pushing their hobbies aside for a larger paycheque."
And who the hell is Joey Vosburgh? Well, funny you should ask as I was just about to copy-paste his bio here:
"Snowboarding has alway been a part of Joey’s life and at an early age he excelled. Joey rode with an influential group of snowboarders, many of which went on to ride professionally. Although he to had opportunities to pursue snowboarding professionally he decided to opt out of sponsorship because he thought it would take the fun out of it. Joey now runs his own hardwood flooring company which allows him to choose his own hours and ride his split-board in the backcountry as much as he wants."
Joey seems like the real deal and this is a really well made video. I think it can go a long way in showing what is possible when you have the balls, and motivation, to actually go out and do all that shit we all sit around talking about all day. Get out there before it's too late!
You can check out the website of the series at www.balancetv.net and be sure to watch all the past episode as well, there's some real gems in there.