Check out this "new breed" of surfer/skater, 15-year old Kalani David from the North Shore of Hawaii, carve fluid lines and pop massive airs both in the skate park and in the ocean. Making a name for himself already as he competes on the world junior tour, David sure seems to be on the come-up quick. Or more likely, in true Hawaiian fashion, doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks and is just out having a good time while making the rest of us feel like kooks.
This video is really well made, doing as good job of showing Kalani's dual talents with enough action to keep anyone happy, combined with just enough voice-over as he explains his motivations, dreams and goals. The first half is scored by Kalani himself on drums along with a wicked punk track, and then the second part being scored by his apparently uber-gifted-at-piano little brother… it's sweet.