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Xavier Delarue & Lucas Dabari make landfall in Antartica
Hot on the heals of releasing White Noise, their full-length film from the 2012 season, the Timeline crew is back at it in full force way at the bottom of the world.

Here's the teaser:


Not content with just pushing the boundaries of what is possible on a snowboard, Delarue clearly feels that he must push the locations he rides as well. And there is not much further he can go than the literal bottom of the planet, mighty Antarctica. 

But wait you say, there's nothing down there but snow and polar bears. Well, let me tell you Mr. Smartass, not only are there no Polar Bears in the Antarctic (they're up in the Arctic, silly) but boy is there ever some badass terrain. Bullshit you say? Well, I counter with this:

Yeah, that's what I thought.

But why would you want to put that much effort it it? Here's what the Timeline crew had to say:

"Since about 4 years and his first trip there while shooting for the movie “Lives of the artists”, Swatch pro team Athlete Xavier de Le Rue dreams about going back. His idea was to get there with his own expedition crew on their own boat to really have the chance to ride and capture Antarctic the way it deserves. “Ever since I discovered it, I wanted to come back. Going there with TimeLine Crew along and Lucas Debari is really exciting. Renan from Camp 4 collective will also be part of the crew and bring his artistic skills in the mix. It’s a dream come true expedition made possible by The North Face, with the additional support of Swatch. We have worked on new filming technics and hope we’ll be able to use them all and find good snow to explore and optimize this paradise to its full riding potential.”

And that is exactly what they are doing. They seem to have made the epic crossing from the Faulkland Islands in one piece, on a relatively small sailboat nonetheless. And it doesn't sound, or look, like it was a very fun trip.

Here's a little video report from the boat.

You can check out Lucas Debari's first blog post from the trip detailing the horrors of the ocean crossing here.


This is sure to be an amazing voyage, and thanks to the wonderful world of modern technology we can follow it all live.

There's Xavier Delarue's Facebook page here. On Twitter you can follow the hashtag #missionantarctic. Same thing on Instagram.

There's a wicked mini-site on the expedition over at The North Face here. As well as the Timeline Vimeo page.

And here's an updating report over at Transworld.

They also brought along incredible photographer Renan Ozturk who's sure to be coming back with some amazing images. 



Added bonus: This cute infograph North Face made up explaining the whole thing:


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