So I'm over at a buddies house the other night and after blowing his mind with White Noise, what does he do? Go to Youtube and type in "snowboard bloopers" of course! But man was I stoked when this popped up. I am not sure who these guys are or where they live but I am gonna guess somewhere in the New York area based on the "letsgomets" username. Either way, they're fucking hilarious and had me laughing for the full seven-minuted of this video.
Brutally making fun of their friends, giving skiers a hard time, yelling at people from the chair…this one really has it all and makes me really remember how simple life was when all snowboarding was was you and a few friends at the local hill. No industry bullshit, no egos and most importantly no bullshit.
My favourite part has to be when buddy starts cursing at himself for missing a few bails. "Fuck! How am I missing this?". Gold, just gold.