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Dave Short Drops Another Heavy POV Edit

Helmet-cam style edits are so hot right now, but rising above the rest Dave Shorts drops off some "extra" footage he has laying around.

Dave Short is a friend of mine and we've shot together a lot over the years in and around the Whistler Backcountry. We even broke our AK-cherry together a few years ago, scoring some amazing shots along the way. That's why it almost pisses me off how good this edit is! I mean, if you can do this yourself with just a little camera the size of a pack of smokes, what hope is there for us lensmen?!

This video really makes you appreciate how good a rider Short is. Look carefully and almost every shot has a little tail-tap or extra little slash thrown in, showing not only how much board control Dave has, but also how much fun he's actually having while riding highly technical terrain that would have most of the rest of us gripped with fear. It's really fun to watch.

My favourite part, though, is at the beginning of the last riding shot as Dave navigates his way into his line. You can just see his head darting back and forth as he looks for landmarks and tries to match his riding choices to what he had planned out in advance. Think about that for a second, when was the last time you were in a situation where a few feet to the right or left could literally mean the difference between life and death? This is good shit.



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