We're rocking out here with Alex Béland from the skateshop Underworld, which is located at 251 rue Ste-Catherine E in Montréal, and he's agreed to give us five must-see treasures from the hidden corners of the internet… well, hidden corners of Youtube anyways.
1. PJ Ladd’s Part – Wonderful Horrible Life
« This part is the one that influenced me the most. Despite the fact that it was made in the early 2000s, it remains completely relevant today. PJ Ladd was far ahead of his time, and I still watch his part' regularly.»
2. Flip – Sorry
« The first skate film I recall watching. It made a deep mark on my entire generation by bringing us skaters such as Mark Appleyard, Geoff Rowley, Arto Saari, and others.. »
"Every time the guys at Crailtap put out a movie, they raise the bar for the next five years. We wait for their films with impatience, yet we are never disappointed with the result. '
4. Emerica – This is skateboarding
"Hard to make a top 5 without including Andrew Reynolds. Any of his films could be in here, but this one is definitely the film that left the biggest impression on me. "
"This one certainly would not have been on the list if Danny Way was not in the movie. Like it or not, elite athletes are part of any sport and Danny revolutionized his sport with his skating, even to creating a new discipline in building the Mega Ramp. "