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Inspiration: Pass It On – Brian Bielmann at TEDxHonolulu 2012


"Find something you're passionate about. Find something you love and jump in. Don't just watch change happen, be part of change. Be inspired."
Such a simple message but so unbelievably powerful at the same time.
Brian is an amazing Hawaii-based surf photographer at the absolute top of the game. Whether you're an old fan or have never heard of him before, this is a great watch both for the inspirational message (which let's be honest, we can all use from time to time) as well as listening to him talk about about 15 hand-picked action shots, including the infamous XXL Teahpoo shot from last year, which he calls "the best surf photo of my life".
I had the great honour of presenting a short nature film along side a few slideshows of Brian's last year and can tell you that this guy is the real deal.


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