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Ghostface vieilllit, mais gagne en sagesse !

the-ghostface-dollCette liste m’a fait beaucoup (un peu) réflechir. Je peux imaginer le genre de paradis des Pimp C, BIG, Pac, Big L, JMJ: des rivières de liqueur de malt dans lesquelles se baignent des filles en bikini fluo sur fond de montagnes de weed mexicain plein de graines.

Mais où vont les rappeurs qui vont mourir de vieillesse ? Vais-je voir le jour où Jay Z va se baver dessus? Ou des vidéo leakés de Rick Ross à l’hospice, en train de se faire changer sa couche? Je cogitais tout ça quand j’ai lu ces mots plein de sagesse :

Itâ??s my last album [for Def Jam] so I wanted to do the album I always wanted to do, man. You gotta tell the fans that you not gettinâ?? no younger here â?? we gettinâ?? older! And everybody donâ??t sell crack no more, man. I donâ??t sell crack, yo. I ainâ??t movinâ?? no bricks or none of that other shit. I ainâ??t shoot nobody in likeâ?¦since the early 90â??s, man. How long you gonna be 40 years old and actinâ?? like you still sellinâ?? cracks and you on the block and you doinâ?? this and you doinâ?? that when times is more serious, man. We in a fuckinâ?? recession, B! Ainâ??t nobody gettinâ?? no money, man! We gotta stop lyinâ?? to ourselves and lyinâ?? to the fans. And the fans gotta stop beinâ?? so dumb and ignorant, and know itâ??s time to talk about grown-man situations. Shit that happen in the real life, inside your household, your love life, your personal life, thatâ??s just like, â??Damn, itâ??s hard for a nigga to get some money!â?? It might be so hard to get some money that your girl might wanna leave you someday because you ainâ??t get no money like you like you used to be gettingâ?? money! Those are real situations, so I think it should start goinâ?? back to songs that mean shit. All that other shit outside is just gonna keep us dumb, deaf and blind, yo, and we ainâ??t never gonna get nowhere.

Via, qui ont aussi le restant de l’entrevue.

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