In fact, even during these troubled economic times when companies are cutting back on advertising spending, alcohol sales have proven to be recession proof. When we’re happy, we drink. When we’re sad, we drink even more. If a salesman were to show up at your door, the mere whisper of the magic words “Jager-bomb” would have you reaching for your wallet. Okay, maybe I’m projecting. In any case, booze commercials are some of the funniest, most creative, and most entertaining ads around. They’re almost as entertaining as watching the people who’ve drank too many belly shots off a Swedish pole dancer. So I’ve taken some time and compiled a moderate list of my favourites, hope you enjoy. Cheers!
As was mentioned earlier, booze pretty much sells itself. So one of the great things about booze ads is, they never really need to talk about their actual product. They can focus their creative attentions on more important things, like the greatest girlfriend ever, for example. I can’t help but feel she should be riding a creature as rare as herself in this one. Like a unicorn for example.
I myself am an exotic blend of Scottish and Irish, meaning I will often drink myself under the table. So this next ad holds a special place in my pickled heart. Whenever you’re in the mood to watch Braveheart but don’t have the 3.5 hours to spare, this ad pretty much sums it up in 60 seconds.
Boss: Alright folks, we need to sell more Vodka. Johnson, what have you got?
Johnson: Pillow fight sir.
Boss: Brilliant.
It’s a damn shame they didn’t air these outtakes as the ad itself. What better way to promote your product than by filming someone who took a bath in it?
There have been far too many amazing beer commercials to choose just one, so I’ve picked the three that are my favourite today. I’m a little bi-polar sometimes, so I’ll probably f$?#ing hate these tomorrow.