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Porn, sk8 & jeux vidéos

Porn, sk8 & jeux vidéos
On peut dire que la compagnie de planche de skateboard québécoise Control a le vent dans les voiles ces temps-ci! Après avoir été sélection par le géant de l’industrie du jeu vidéo EA Games pour que leur planches apparaissent dans la prochaine mouture du tant acclamé jeu SKATE, voici que Control lance en grande pompe leur nouvelle série de planche en collaboration avec Vivid Entertainment. Pour les incultes, VIVID est l’une des boîtes de production de vidéo pornographique les plus prolifique de notre ère!

VIVID profite de cette collaboration avec Control pour présenter leur nouveau line-up de jeune pornstar incluant la plantureuse Sunny Leone qui flirt avec Gab Ekoe, la corpulente Nikki Jayne sur les genoux de PIF, la foisonnante Hanna Hilton qui fume le cigare du président Thomas Parent ainsi que la généreuse Meggan Mallone charmant Casey McDonald.

En somme, les boys ont dequi être bandé raide sur les shapes des nouveaux boards Control!

Ci-joint, le communiqué de presse officiel directement de là où se passe des affaires que t’es même pas capable d’imaginer… La maison mère de VIVID à L.A..


High Quality Skateboard Company Will Feature Images of Vivid Girls
Paired with Names of Top Riders

LOS ANGELES – (October 14, 2008) – Vivid Entertainment, the world’s leading adult film studio, has granted a license to Quebec-based Control MFG to manufacture a line of limited edition skateboards featuring images of the famous Vivid Girls paired with the names of top Team Control riders.

The first four pro-model boards from the Canadian company (see below from left to right) will showcase Sunny Leone paired with Gab Ekoe; Nikki Jayne with PIF; Hanna Hilton with Thomas Parent and Meggan Mallone with Casey McDonald. A fifth board will display just the Control Skateboard and Vivid logos.

Thomas Parent is an award-winning, multiple-victory rider who is also pro on Vans Canada and the AST Mountain Dew Tour. He is a well rounded skater that thrives in high level competitions.

Gab Ekoe was born in Switzerland and is now based in Montreal, Canada. The rough streets of the east coast are his playground but he still enjoys skating some sweet Spaniard marble or San Francisco hills. Competition isn’t really his thing but he could still surprise you taking some best trick money.

Casey McDonald is a veteran rider who has competed with the best of American street skaters in competitions such as the Tampa Am, Tampa Pro and AST Mountain Dew Tour. He can ride both street and mini with ease.

PIF is best known for his hand rail skills. He has already conquered El Toro in California and is a threat in any best trick on a hand rail. He was in the top three at the Slam City Jam with Haslam and Creager.

« We’re excited to be working with Vivid and we’ll unquestionably be offering the hottest boards in the industry when we introduce this line at the ASR trade show January 22-24 in San Diego, » said Dan Saindon, Sales/Marketing Manager of Control. « We invite all our retail friends to come by our booth to see the new boards and meet the Vivid Girls in person. »

About Control MFG: Founded in 1995 by Carl Savard, Control MFG is has become one of the most respected brands in skateboards. It is among the very few to manufacture its own products using the best quality Hardrock Canadian maple, glue and varnish available. All production is carefully supervised and takes place at the company’s plant in St. Nicholas, Quebec. Contact Dan Saindon at HYPERLINK « mailto:[email protected] » [email protected] or 877-CTRL-SK8.

About Vivid: Founded in 1984, Vivid Entertainment Group is the world’s leading adult film company. Vivid has always placed heavy emphasis on high quality erotic film entertainment and has created wide brand-name awareness through its films and through a licensing and marketing program that extends to advertising, apparel, book publishing and other products. For more information contact HYPERLINK « mailto:[email protected]« [email protected].

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