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The Holy Wiggle Grail: 10 hours of Kate Upton’s boobs bounce on the catwalk.

Oh Kate Upton, where to even start. We’ll just take for granted y’all know her, but If your mind is going blank, think Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition cover, that should get you situated. Or just go straight to the video above.

So the lovely Kate has been modelling for a few years now. Her thing (Which is kinda’ also our thing): lingerie and swimsuit. She also happens to be an Internet darling.

She by far doesn’t subscribe to the fashion industry’s standards, but still manage to land prestigious jobs. Thanks to THE boobs (amazing boobs, we should say) and her "girl next door" look

Yup dem boobs are mesmerizing, and thats probably why someone thought of doing a 10 hours video featuring them.

A 10 hours of crafty editing showcasing Kate Upton walking up and down the catwalk in sparse clothing, that’s gotta’ be a crowd pleaser right?

Bonus bro/pro-tip: change the speed to .25. You'll thanks us later.


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