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5 Easy Steps to Start Your Own Skate Brand on the Cheap
By Maxim Dumont, aka Frenchy -Founder/Owner of OK Skateboard company.


Just the other day I realized how old I’m getting, 32 years of age.

I have been skateboarding for over 20 years and still love it as much as the day I started.

Skating has, and always will be my biggest passion, like many skateboarders I had the dream to own my own skateboard company.


Step 1 – $

Sorry I lied, your going to need money to start your own company, but it can be done on a pretty tight budget so don’t be discouraged.

Three to five thousand should be enough to get you 100 to 200 complete with your logo printed on them, and shipped to your door if you play your cards right.


Step 2 – Name and Logo

Just a name and logo can represent up to 50% of your company, create something original and simple and you have achieved a lot already.

In my opinion, your name and logo need a few things to be a success.

It should be short, catchy and straight forward.

For example look at some of the big name brands on the market today such as Nike, Vans, Baker and Real skateboards.

If you create a name which is too abstract or a confusing logo, people won’t remember it.

It sounds simple but this is a hard task and you may need a graphic designer $ $ $

A stack of blanks gets the imagination going

Step 3 – Research

First you will need to locate a supplier, depending on where you live, this could be in your favor or a pain in the ass.

You could be lucky and find one situated close by, this will save you a lot in shipping costs.

Your main focus should be on cost vs quality and printing.

I suggest asking at your local skate shop who supplies their shop decks, that same supplier may be willing to help out a smaller company.


Step 4 – Promo and Marketing

You’ve done it!

So you just received your very own brand new crispy decks to your door, now divide the total cost in two.

50% you will need to sell and hope you break even and the other 50% will be for promo.

Yes that’s right, you will need to give away at least 50% of them, especially in the first year.

You need a lot of exposure in the beginning, try sponsoring a small contest or event near you and hookup the best shredders at your local skatepark. A ripper with a loud mouth should be perfect.

If people only see shredders riding your decks, it will be a major advantage. Stickers are a must, it will make your brand look more legit and allows for a lot more exposure!

Last but not least, social media.

Using social media such as facebook and youtube will generate hype and again exposure to your brand. To start I suggest a facebook company page and youtube channel, updating as much as possible.


Max enjoying the fruits of his labour in the Whistler Park

Step 5 – Roll the dice

This is the make it or break it stage, you need to think outside the box.

After all the previous steps, anything is possible.

You may develop a connection and slowly make your place in the skateboard industry, or end up having a large stack of skateboard decks in your garage. The skateboard industry is different to what you would imagine.

A small company with no budget can prosper as a result of good marketing, epic exposure and a gnarly team as opposed to a big company with a large budget, but with no idea of what skateboarding is truly about.

Its all up to you now, get out there and roll the dice.

If you’re a success or not, I can guarantee you one thing, you will have the time of your life hooking people up, shooting videos and making deals with skate shops.

The best part is not the finished product but building your company, the journey along the way and meeting the people who share your dream.

Good luck to you all.


For more info on OK Skateboards check them out on Facebook here

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